एस से शुरू होने वाले फुल फॉर्म | S se shuru hone wale full forms

एस से शुरू होने वाले फुल फॉर्म | S se shuru hone wale full forms


S से शुरू होने वाले फुल फॉर्म निम्न है।

SDM एसडीएम ) = Sub Divisional Magistrate

SCUBA एससीयूबीए ) = Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus

SDK एसडीके ) = Software Development Kit

SDO एसडीओ ) = Sub Divisional Officer

SEBI एसईबीआई ) = Securities and Exchange Board of India

SENSEX एसईएनएसईएक्स ) = Stock Exchange Sensitive Index

SEO एसईओ ) = Search Engine Optimization

SGOT एसजीओटी ) = Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase

SGPT एसजीपीटी ) = Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase

SHO एसएचओ ) = Station House Officer

SI एसआई ) = Sub Inspector

SIDBI एसआईडीबीआई ) = Small Industries Development Bank of India

SIM एसआईएम ) = Subscriber Identity Module

SIP एसआईपी ) = Systematic Investment Plan

SLR एसएलआर ) = Single Lens Reflex और Statutory Liquidity Ratio

SME एसएमई ) = Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

SMH एसएमएच ) = Shake My Head

SMPS एसएमपीएस ) = Switched-Mode Power Supply या Switching Mode Power Supply

SMS एसएमएस ) = Short Message Service

SSLC एसएसएलसी ) = Secondary School Leaving Certificate

STD एसटीडी ) = Subscriber Trunk Dialing और Sexually Transmitted Diseases

STP एसटीपी ) = Sewage Treatment Plant

SUV एसयूपी ) = Sport Utility Vehicle

SWAT एसडबल्यूएटी ) = Special Weapons and Tactics

SMTP एसएमटीपी ) = Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SONAR एसओएनएआर ) = Sound Navigation and Ranging

SOP एसओपी ) = Standard Operating Procedure

SOS एसओएस ) = Save Our Souls

SP एसपी ) = Superintendent of Police

SPG एसपीजी ) = Special Protection Group

SPSS एसपीएसएस ) = Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 

SQL एसक्यूएल ) = Structured Query Language

SSB एसएसबी ) = Service Selection Board

SSC एसएससी ) = Staff Selection Commission

SSD एसएसडी ) = Solid State Drive

SSL एसएसएल ) = Secure Sockets Layer

SAARC एसएएआरसी ) = South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

SAP एसएपी ) = systems, applications and products

SAS एसएएस ) = Statistical Analysis Software

SATA एसएटीए ) = Serial Advanced Technology Attachment

SAT एसएटी ) = Scholastic Aptitude Test, Scholastic Assessment Test

SBI एसबीआई ) = State Bank of India

SCADA एससीएडीए ) = Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

SIT एसआईटी ) = Special Investigation Team

SKU एसकेयू ) = Stock Keeping Unit
SLA एसएलए ) = Service Level Agreement

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